# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Reference generation
The ``references`` module defines
functions that generate and organize the bibliographic references for this project.
- Paul Leopardi (2017-05-20): initial version
# Copyright (C) 2017 Paul Leopardi paul.leopardi@gmail.com
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
from collections import OrderedDict
from string import ascii_uppercase
from sys import stdout
bibitem = OrderedDict()
bibitem["RFC2144"] = ("""C. M. Adams.
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bibitem["Ada1997"] = ("""C. M. Adams.
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In E. Kranakis and P. Van Oorschot, editors, *Selected Areas in
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bibitem["BC1999"] = ("""A. Bernasconi and B. Codenotti.
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bibitem["BCV2001"] = ("""A. Bernasconi, B. Codenotti, and J. M. VanderKam.
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bibitem["Bos1963"] = ("""R. C. Bose.
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bibitem["CTZ2011"] = ("""Y. M. Chee, Y. Tan, and X. D. Zhang.
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bibitem["Del1972"] = ("""P. Delsarte.
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bibitem["Dil1974"] = ("""J. F. Dillon.
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bibitem["DS1987"] = ("""J. F. Dillon and J. R. Schatz.
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bibitem["Din2015"] = ("""C. Ding.
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bibitem["DD2015"] = ("""K. Ding and C. Ding.
"A class of two-weight and three-weight codes and their applications
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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 61(11):5835--5842, (2015).
bibitem["FSSW2013"] = ("""T. Feulner, L. Sok, P. Solé, and A. Wassermann.
"Towards the classification of self-dual bent functions in eight variables".
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bibitem["HL1994"] = ("""C. Hoede and X. Li.
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bibitem["HY2004"] = ("""T. Huang and K.-H. You.
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bibitem["JGTMMBJP2013"] = ("""D. Joyner, O. Geil, C. Thomsen, C. Munuera, I. Márquez-Corbella,
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bibitem["JK2007"] = ("""T. Junttila and P. Kaski.
"Engineering an efficient canonical labeling tool for large and sparse graphs".
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Combinatorics*, 135--149, New Orleans, LA, (2007). Society for Industrial
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bibitem["JK2011"] = ("""T. Junttila and P. Kaski.
"Conflict propagation and component recursion for canonical labeling".
In *Theory and Practice of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems*,
151--162. Springer, (2011).
bibitem["Kan1975"] = ("""W. M. Kantor.
"Symplectic groups, symmetric designs, and line ovals".
*Journal of Algebra*, 33(1):43--58, (1975).
bibitem["Kan1983"] = ("""W. M. Kantor.
"Exponential numbers of two-weight codes, difference sets and
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Discrete Mathematics, 46(1):95--98, (1983).
bibitem["Lan2010"] = ("""P. Langevin.
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bibitem["LH2011"] = ("""P. Langevin and X.-D. Hou.
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bibitem["LL2011"] = ("""P. Langevin and G. Leander.
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bibitem["LLM2008"] = ("""P. Langevin, G. Leander, and G. McGuire.
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bibitem["Leo2016GitHub"] = ("""P. Leopardi.
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bibitem["Leo2017Hurwitz"] = ("""P. Leopardi.
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bibitem["Leo2017"] = ("""P. Leopardi.
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bibitem["MP2013"] = ("""B. D. McKay and A. Piperno.
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bibitem["Neu2006"] = ("""T. Neumann.
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bibitem["Rot1976"] = ("""O. S. Rothaus.
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bibitem["SageMathCloud"] = ("""SageMath, Inc.
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bibitem["Sei1979"] = ("""J. J. Seidel.
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bibitem["Sta2007"] = ("""P. Stanica.
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bibitem["Tok2015"] = ("""N. Tokareva.
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bibitem["Ton1996"] = ("""V. D. Tonchev.
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Discrete Mathematics, 149(1-3):283--288, (1996).
bibitem["Ton2007"] = ("""V. D. Tonchev.
"Codes". In C. Colbourne and J. Dinitz, editors, *Handbook of
combinatorial designs*, chapter VII.1, 677--701. CRC press, second edition,
[docs]def cite(citation):
Look up and retrieve reference details from the `bibitem` dictionary.
- ``citation`` -- string: A citation, generally but not always
in the form "AbcYYYY", where "Abc" is the first 3 characters of
the author's surname, and "YYYY" is the 4 digit year.
The reference details as a string.
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.references import cite
sage: print(cite("Leo2017"))
P. Leopardi.
"Classifying bent functions by their Cayley graphs".
2017, 2018.
Preprint: arXiv:1705.04507 [math.CO].
return bibitem[citation]
[docs]def sage_reference(citation):
Retrieve reference details from the `bibitem` dictionary in a format
similar to the way that Sage formats it own references.
- ``citation`` -- string: A citation, generally but not always
in the form "AbcYYYY", where "Abc" is the first 3 characters of
the author's surname, and "YYYY" is the 4 digit year.
The reference details as a Sage-formatted string.
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.references import sage_reference
sage: print(sage_reference("Leo2017"))
.. [Leo2017] \P. Leopardi.
"Classifying bent functions by their Cayley graphs".
2017, 2018.
Preprint: arXiv:1705.04507 [math.CO].
bibitem_lines = bibitem[citation].splitlines()
sage_bibitem_lines = (
[bibitem_lines[0]] +
[" " + line for line in bibitem_lines[1:]])
return (
".. [" + citation + "] \\" + '\n'.join(sage_bibitem_lines))
[docs]def print_sage_references():
Retrieve all reference details from the `bibitem` dictionary and print them
in a format similar to the way that Sage formats it own references.
All reference details in `bibitem` as a Sage-formatted string.
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.references import print_sage_references
sage: print_sage_references()
.. [RFC2144] \C. M. Adams.
*The cast-128 encryption algorithm.*
RFC 2144, RFC Editor, May 1997.
.. [Ton2007] \V. D. Tonchev.
"Codes". In C. Colbourne and J. Dinitz, editors, *Handbook of
combinatorial designs*, chapter VII.1, 677--701. CRC press, second edition,
for citation in bibitem.keys():
[docs]def print_sage_references_index_rst(file=stdout):
Retrieve all reference details from the `bibitem` dictionary and print them
in the format expected by Sphinx for the file `index.rst`.
- ``file`` -- file, optional. The file to which the reference details are
to be printed. Default is stdout.
All reference details in `bibitem` as a Sage-formatted string.
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.references import print_sage_references_index_rst
sage: print_sage_references_index_rst()
References, sorted alphabetically by first author.
:ref:`A <ref-A>`
:ref:`T <ref-T>`
.. _ref-A:
.. [Ada1997] \C. M. Adams.
Constructing symmetric ciphers using the cast design procedure.
In E. Kranakis and P. Van Oorschot, editors, *Selected Areas in
Cryptography*, 71--104, Boston, MA, (1997). Springer US.
.. [Ton2007] \V. D. Tonchev.
"Codes". In C. Colbourne and J. Dinitz, editors, *Handbook of
combinatorial designs*, chapter VII.1, 677--701. CRC press, second edition,
print("References", file=file)
print("==========", file=file)
print("", file=file)
print("References, sorted alphabetically by first author.", file=file)
print("", file=file)
citations_starting_with = dict()
for letter in ascii_uppercase:
citations_starting_with[letter] = [
cite for cite in bibitem.keys() if cite[0] == letter]
if len(citations_starting_with[letter]) > 0:
print(":ref:`"+letter+" <ref-"+letter+">`", file=file)
print("", file=file)
for letter in ascii_uppercase:
if len(citations_starting_with[letter]) > 0:
print(".. _ref-"+letter+":", file=file)
print("", file=file)
print("**"+letter+"**", file=file)
print("", file=file)
for citation in citations_starting_with[letter]:
print(sage_reference(citation), file=file)
print("", file=file)