Source code for boolean_cayley_graphs.weight_class

Classification of bent functions by their weight

The ``weight_class`` module defines the ``weight_class`` function,
which returns the weight class corresponding to a weight.


- Paul Leopardi (2016-09-25): initial version



    sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.weight_class import weight_class
    sage: weight_class(4,1)
    sage: weight_class(16,10)


Leopardi [Leo2017]_ Section 2.2.
#       Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Paul Leopardi
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
#  the License, or (at your option) any later version.

from sage.functions.other import sqrt

[docs]def weight_class(length, weight): r""" Return the weight class corresponding to a given length and weight. The length is the length of the truth table of a Boolean function. The weight is the Hamming weight of the Boolean function. INPUT: - ``length`` -- positive integer: - ``weight`` -- positive integer: the given Hamming weight. OUTPUT: An integer representing the weight class corresponding to ``length`` and ``weight``. EXAMPLES: :: sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.weight_class import weight_class sage: weight_class(4,1) 0 sage: weight_class(16,10) 1 sage: weight_class(16,6) 0 sage: weight_class(64,36) 1 sage: weight_class(63,37) 1 sage: weight_class(65,35) 0 .. NOTE:: The weight class really only makes sense for bent functions, for which the weight class is either 0 or 1 [Leo2017]_. REFERENCES: Leopardi [Leo2017]_ Section 2.2. """ sqrtlength = sqrt(length) return int(((weight*2)/sqrtlength - sqrtlength + 1) / 2)