.. Boolean-Cayley-graphs documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Jun 11 19:07:49 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ************************************************************* Boolean-Cayley-graphs: Python package reference documentation ************************************************************* Boolean-Cayley-graphs is a collection of Sage and Python software for the investigation of bent Boolean functions, their Cayley graphs, and associated structures. This is the reference documentation for the ``boolean_cayley_graphs`` Python package: a set of Python classes and utility functions that forms the core of the Boolean-Cayley-graphs collection. The documentation is organized into a thematic index and other indices and tables. See also the ``README.md`` file for Boolean-Cayley-graphs, as well as the accompanying paper [Leo2017]_. Thematic index ============== Classifications of bent functions --------------------------------- * :doc:`Classification of bent functions by their Cayley graphs ` * :doc:`Classification of bent functions by their weight ` Classification of boolean functions ----------------------------------- * :doc:`Classification of boolean functions within an extended translation class ` Boolean functions ----------------- * :doc:`An improved boolean function class ` * :doc:`A general linear equivalence class of boolean functions ` * :doc:`Bent boolean functions ` Graphs ------ * :doc:`An improved Graph class ` * :doc:`Boolean graphs ` * :doc:`Boolean linear code graphs ` * :doc:`Cayley graph of a boolean function ` * :doc:`Strongly regular graphs ` * :doc:`The Royle X graph ` Linear codes ------------ * :doc:`Boolean linear codes ` * :doc:`Some binary projective two weight codes ` Parallel algorithms ------------------- * :doc:`Classification in parallel using fork ` * :doc:`Classification in parallel using MPI ` Database interfaces ------------------- * :doc:`Interface to a classification database using psycopg2 ` * :doc:`Interface to a classification database using sqlite3 ` Utilities --------- * :doc:`Bit-level properties of integers ` * :doc:`Controls for timing and tracing ` * :doc:`Improved container classes ` * :doc:`Tests for GF(2) linear algebra ` * :doc:`Load and save Sage objects with standardized names ` References ---------- * :doc:`Reference generation ` * :doc:`References ` Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`