Classification in parallel using fork

The classify_in_parallel module defines functions that use sage.parallel and fork to save Cayley graph classifications or partial classifications in parallel.


  • Paul Leopardi (2017-05-22)

boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel.call_in_parallel(f, list_of_tuples, ncpus)[source]

Call the function f in parallel


  • f – Function to call.

  • list_of_tuples – A list of tuples to use as arguments to f.

  • ncpus – Integer. Default=4. The number of cpus to use in parallel.

OUTPUT: A list of tuples. Each tuple contains an (args,keywds) pair, and a result.




sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel import call_in_parallel
sage: summ = lambda L: add(L)
sage: call_in_parallel(summ,[((1,2),),((5,4),),((3,3),)],2)
[((((1, 2),), {}), 3), ((((5, 4),), {}), 9), ((((3, 3),), {}), 6)]
boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel.classify(n, form)[source]

Given an algebraic normal form of a bent function, construct the corresponding Cayley graph classification.


  • n – Integer. Tuple number.

  • form – A Boolean function or an algebraic normal form.


The Cayley graph classification corresponding to the bent function defined by form.

The parameters ``n`` and ``form`` as used here conform to the interface used by


sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.bent_function import BentFunction
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel import classify
sage: bentf = BentFunction([0,0,0,1])
sage: bentf.algebraic_normal_form()
sage: classify(0, bentf).report()
Algebraic normal form of Boolean function: x0*x1
Function is bent.
SDP design incidence structure t-design parameters: (True, (1, 4, 1, 1))
Classification of Cayley graphs and classification of Cayley graphs of duals are the same:
There are 2 extended Cayley classes in the extended translation class.
boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel.classify_in_parallel(list_of_f, start=0, stop=None, ncpus=4)[source]

In parallel, construct a list of Cayley graph classifications corresponding to a list of bent functions.


  • list_of_f – List of forms or bent functions.

  • start – Integer. Default=0. Index of start position in the list.

  • stop – Integer. Default=None. Index after end position, or None if whole remaining list.

  • ncpus – Integer. Default=4. The number of cpus to use in parallel.

OUTPUT: A list of tuples. Each tuple contains an (args,keywds) pair of arguments to classify, and a classification result.


sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.bent_function import BentFunction
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel import classify_in_parallel
sage: bentf0 = BentFunction([0,0,0,1])
sage: bentf0.algebraic_normal_form()
sage: bentf1 = BentFunction([0,0,1,0])
sage: bentf1.algebraic_normal_form()
x0*x1 + x1
sage: classes = classify_in_parallel([bentf0,bentf1],ncpus=2)
sage: cl = classes[0][1] if classes[0][0][0][0] == 0 else classes[1][1]
Algebraic normal form of Boolean function: x0*x1
Function is bent.
SDP design incidence structure t-design parameters: (True, (1, 4, 1, 1))
Classification of Cayley graphs and classification of Cayley graphs of duals are the same:
There are 2 extended Cayley classes in the extended translation class.
boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel.save_class_parts_in_parallel(name_prefix, form, c_len=1, ncpus=4, dir=None)[source]

In parallel, construct a complete list of the partial Cayley graph classifications corresponding to a given bent function or algebraic normal form.


  • name_prefix – String. Name prefix to use with save_mangled to save each class part.

  • form – A bent function or an algebraic normal form.

  • c_len – Integer. Default=1. The number of values of c to use in each class part.

  • ncpus – Integer. Default=4. The number of cpus to use in parallel.

  • dir – string, optional. The directory where the object is to be saved. Default is None, meaning the current directory.

OUTPUT: A list containing tuples, with names.

EFFECT: Uses name_prefix to save all partial classifications corresponding to bentf.


sage: import glob
sage: import os
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.bent_function import BentFunction
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.bent_function_cayley_graph_classification import BentFunctionCayleyGraphClassPart as BFCP
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel import save_class_parts_in_parallel
sage: R2.<x1,x2> = BooleanPolynomialRing(2)
sage: p = x1+x2+x1*x2
sage: f = BentFunction(p)
sage: name_prefix = 'test_save_class_parts_in_parallel'
sage: d = tmp_dir()
sage: s = save_class_parts_in_parallel(name_prefix, f, dir=d)
sage: p1=BFCP.load_mangled(name_prefix + '_1', dir=d)
sage: dict(sorted(p1.__dict__.items()))
{'algebraic_normal_form': x0*x1 + x0 + x1,
'bent_cayley_graph_index_matrix': [0 0 1 0],
'c_start': 1,
'cayley_graph_class_list': ['CK', 'C~'],
'dual_cayley_graph_index_matrix': [0 0 1 0],
'weight_class_matrix': [0 0 1 0]}
sage: for n in range(4):
....:     name = name_prefix + '_' + str(n)
....:     print(BFCP.mangled_name(name))
....:     BFCP.remove_mangled(name, dir=d)
sage: os.rmdir(d)
boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel.save_classifications_in_parallel(name_prefix, list_of_f, start=0, stop=None, ncpus=4, dir=None)[source]

In parallel, construct and save a number of Cayley graph classifications corresponding to a list of bent functions.


  • name_prefix – String. Name prefix to use with save_mangled to save each classification.

  • list_of_f – List of forms or bent functions.

  • start – Integer. Default=0. Index of start position in the list.

  • stop – Integer. Default=None. Index after end position, or None if whole remaining list.

  • ncpus – Integer. Default=4. The number of cpus to use in parallel.

  • dir – string, optional. The directory where the object is to be saved. Default is None, meaning the current directory.


EFFECT: Uses name to save the classifications corresponding to list_of_f.


sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.bent_function import BentFunction
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.bent_function_cayley_graph_classification import BentFunctionCayleyGraphClassification as BFC
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel import save_classifications_in_parallel
sage: bentf0 = BentFunction([0,0,0,1])
sage: bentf0.algebraic_normal_form()
sage: bentf1 = BentFunction([0,0,1,0])
sage: bentf1.algebraic_normal_form()
x0*x1 + x1
sage: name_prefix = 'test_save_classifications_in_parallel'
sage: d = tmp_dir()
sage: names = save_classifications_in_parallel(name_prefix, [bentf0,bentf1], ncpus=2, dir=d)
sage: name_1 = name_prefix + '_1'
sage: c = BFC.load_mangled(name_1, dir=d)
Algebraic normal form of Boolean function: x0*x1 + x1
Function is bent.
SDP design incidence structure t-design parameters: (True, (1, 4, 1, 1))
Classification of Cayley graphs and classification of Cayley graphs of duals are the same:
There are 2 extended Cayley classes in the extended translation class.
sage: for n in range(2):
....:     name = name_prefix + '_' + str(n)
....:     print(BFC.mangled_name(name))
....:     BFC.remove_mangled(name, dir=d)
sage: os.rmdir(d)
boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel.save_one_class_part(name, bentf, c_start, c_stop, dir=None)[source]

Construct and save a partial Cayley graph classification corresponding to a given bent function.


  • name – Name to use with save_mangled to save the class part.

  • bentf – A Bent function.

  • c_start – smallest value of c to use for

    extended translates. Integer. Default is 0.

  • c_stop – one more than largest value of c

    to use for extended translates. Integer. Default is None, meaning use all remaining values.

  • dir – string, optional. The directory where the object is to be saved. Default is None, meaning the current directory.

OUTPUT: A copy of the string name.

EFFECT: Uses name to save the partial classification corresponding to bentf.


sage: import os
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.bent_function import BentFunction
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.bent_function_cayley_graph_classification import BentFunctionCayleyGraphClassPart as BFCP
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel import save_one_class_part
sage: R2.<x1,x2> = BooleanPolynomialRing(2)
sage: p = x1+x2+x1*x2
sage: f = BentFunction(p)
sage: name = 'test_save_one_class_part'
sage: d = tmp_dir()
sage: s = save_one_class_part(name, f, c_start=1, c_stop=2, dir=d)
sage: p1 = BFCP.load_mangled(name, dir=d)
sage: dict(sorted(p1.__dict__.items()))
{'algebraic_normal_form': x0*x1 + x0 + x1,
'bent_cayley_graph_index_matrix': [0 0 1 0],
'c_start': 1,
'cayley_graph_class_list': ['CK', 'C~'],
'dual_cayley_graph_index_matrix': [0 0 1 0],
'weight_class_matrix': [0 0 1 0]}
sage: print(BFCP.mangled_name(name))
sage: BFCP.remove_mangled(name, dir=d)
sage: os.rmdir(d)
boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel.save_one_classification(name, form, dir=None)[source]

Given an algebraic normal form of a bent function, construct and save the corresponding Cayley graph classification.


  • name – String. Name to use with save_mangled to save the classification.

  • form – A Boolean function or an algebraic normal form.

  • dir – string, optional. The directory where the object is to be saved. Default is None, meaning the current directory.

OUTPUT: A copy of the string name.

EFFECT: Uses name to save the classification corresponding to form.


sage: import os
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.bent_function import BentFunction
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.bent_function_cayley_graph_classification import BentFunctionCayleyGraphClassification as BFC
sage: from boolean_cayley_graphs.classify_in_parallel import save_one_classification
sage: R2.<x1,x2> = BooleanPolynomialRing(2)
sage: p = x1+x2+x1*x2
sage: f = BentFunction(p)
sage: name = 'test_save_one_classification'
sage: d = tmp_dir()
sage: s = save_one_classification(name, f, dir=d)
sage: c = BFC.load_mangled(name, dir=d)
Algebraic normal form of Boolean function: x0*x1 + x0 + x1
Function is bent.
SDP design incidence structure t-design parameters: (True, (1, 4, 1, 1))
Classification of Cayley graphs and classification of Cayley graphs of duals are the same:
There are 2 extended Cayley classes in the extended translation class.
sage: print(BFC.mangled_name(name))
sage: BFC.remove_mangled(name, dir=d)
sage: os.rmdir(d)