boolean_cayley_graphs package
- Bent Boolean functions
- Classification of bent functions by their Cayley graphs
- Some binary projective two-weight codes
- Cayley graph of a Boolean function
- Classification of boolean functions within an extended translation class
- A boolean function class that represents a General Linear Equivalence Class
- An improved Boolean function class
- Boolean graphs
- Boolean linear codes
- Boolean linear code graphs
- Controls for checking, timing and tracing
- Interface to a classification database using psycopg2
- Interface to a classification database using sqlite3
- Classification in parallel using MPI
- Classification in parallel using fork
- Improved container classes
- An improved Graph class
- Bit-level properties of integers
- Tests for GF(2) linear algebra
- Reference generation
- The Royle X graph
- Load and save Sage objects with standardized names
- Strongly regular graphs
- Classification of bent functions by their weight